4To buy your dream car, you probably have sacrificed a lot to set aside the cash to purchase it. As you get it off from the dealer, it is all shiny and the performance is just right. While you are in your new car, you may come across beat-up cars and start questioning yourself on what happened to them. Such damage is brought upon by negligence. A couple of years down the line, if you do not stick to a strict maintenance, your new car will be that rusty bucket churning out smoke.  Here are tips on how to avoid such an occurrence and keep your car in top form:

Observe a Strict Service Schedule

Car service schedules are clearly stipulated by the manufacturers. It is not wise to skip a service schedule when it is due. The most basic form of a care service includes an oil change, both air and oil filter change and spark plug replacement. Service schedules are meant to extend the life of the engine and maintain the car at its peak performance. The fuel consumption is kept constant with periodic servicing hence saving you money.

Take Good Care of Your Wheels

The tires are affected by wear and tear and will need to be replaced after a while. If you are cash-strapped,  change a pair at a time. A simple rule followed by most motorist is changing the back pair first. Since the back tires wear out at a faster rate than the front ones,  they should be replaced first. This applies even if the duration between the replacements is days. For even wear on all the tires, practice periodic rotation of the tires. You should ensure that the tire pressure in the vehicle is at a level recommended by manufacturers. When you do so, you are not only extending their lifespan of the tires, but are also ensuring the car performs optimally, reducing the money you use for fuel.

Take Care of The Car’s Paint

The car’s exterior look is mostly affected by the paint job. To protect the paint, you should have your car washed frequently. You should always use non-abrasive soap on your car whether you will be washing it yourself or are having it cleaned at a car wash. Abrasive soap tends to scratch the body, thus spoiling the paint job. To further protect the paint job, invest in car polish and covers which protect the car from direct exposure to weather elements like sunlight.

The car will be a manifestation of the care it is given. Avoid straining your car by driving it in conditions that it was not built for. For example, only drive your car on paved roads if it has not been designed for the off-road. Your car’s lifespan will be prolonged and performance enhanced with adherence to a strict basic car knowledge and maintenance program. You may also click here for some tuning tips.

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